I'm Fernando Mavec

Diabetic, jawless, blind. Yet, a great visionary.

About Me

Since the age of 6, life decided I would play on hard mode. At 29, an aggressive osteoblastoma decided losing a piece of my jaw would be a great idea. Spoiler alert: it wasn't. But who needs a perfect jaw when you have an iron will? At 33, life threw another curveball: loss of sight. Many would have thrown in the towel, but I used it to wipe off sweat and keep moving forward. I decided that if I couldn't see the world, I'd make the world see me. I changed careers and immersed myself in the fascinating world of data science and artificial intelligence. It wasn't easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is. Today, I'm working in a Computer Vision bootcamp and pursuing a master's in biotechnology. My goal: develop an AI application that provides complete independence to blind individuals and find a cure for type 1 diabetes. I'm not seeking immortality in the classical sense, but through doing something important. As that android in the Johnny Walker commercial said: "I can achieve immortality by not ceasing to function, you can achieve it simply by doing one important thing."


My academic journey includes a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the Institute of Higher Education in Accounting and Administration in 2010. I recently completed a Project Management Engineering degree at the Virtual University of the State of Guanajuato in 2024. Additionally, I've earned certifications in various fields related to data science and artificial intelligence, honing skills in data analysis, backend development with Python, data visualization with Altair, and assertive communication, among others.
